English Grammar Quiz

Test your child's Grammar capability with this short Grammar quiz.

  1. Every one                         for the boy who wins the race.
(1)   cheer                                              (3) cheered
(2)   cheers                                            (4) cheering                                         (           )

  1. One of the dog’s legs                      injured and it is limping.
(1)   is                                                    (3) was
(2)    are                                                 (4) were                                             (           )

  1. He                           on the bed and dozed off as he was too tired.
(1)   lay                                                 (3) lie
(2)   lies                                                 (4) laid                                                 (           )

  1. The children                         about happily as they play chase.
(1)   run                                                 (3) runs
(2)   ran                                                 (4) running                                           (           )

  1. Jimmy                        his jacket as it was hot outside.
(1)   takes off                                        (3) take off
(2)   took off                                         (4) was taking off                                (           )

  1.  Susan                         the socks and hangs them to dry.
(1)   wash                                              (3) washes
(2)   washed                                          (4) was washing                                   (           )

  1. We                            a tint of twilight in the West every evening.
(1)   seeing                                            (3) saw
(2)   sees                                                (4) see                                                  (           )

  1. One of the mischievous boys                         off the chair as he rocks it.
(1)   fall                                                 (3) falls
(2)   fell                                                 (4) fallen                                              (           )

PSLE English Oral Conversation

Some tips on PSLE English oral conversation.
Source: http://www.lilbutmightyenglish.com/blog/2015/8/11/oral-conversation-filling-your-story-with-details-easily-free-revision-cards

基本小学PSLE 成语

60 Chinese idioms to learn for PSLE
Source: http://pslechinesehelp.blogspot.sg/p/blog-page_13.html?m=1

Getting Ready for Direct School Admission through DSA prep courses

Straits Times article that mentioned a few enrichment and DSA prep schools to help your child prepare for DSA in advance.

DSA-Secondary School Admission

The DSA-Sec Exercise is an admission exercise to allow participating secondary schools to select some P6 students for admission to Secondary One. The selection will be based on their achievements and talents before the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results are released.

The Exercise is usually conducted in 3 stages, from July to late November. Parents and students should start scouting around for their choice schools as early as May when the schools start their Open House.

For an overview of the stages in DSA-Sec Exercise, please visit

How to Answer Data-based Questions

Below is an article from Popular Holdings' magazine "POPCLUB".
Provides a general view on how to answer and solve data-based questions in the examinations.

Simultaneous Equations in PSLE Mathematics

An article from Popular Holdings' magazine "POPCLUB".
Discusses the importance of simultaneous equations in PSLE and provides worked examples on how to solve some questions using simultaneous equations.